
Your Next $10k.

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Your Next $10k.

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The OUTCOME is simple:

Build an Offer you're confident in, that get's people Results, Attracts Leads, and you can Sell Effortlessly.

WHILE you build your personal brand on 𝕏.

[You can do this with less than 100 followers - I monetised my 𝕏 account with 13 followers]

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The Growth Gurus on 𝕏 want you to think you need to grow your audience before you can monetise...

Because that's how they sell their sh*tty products on how to grow.

You won't find anything like that here.

If you want to grow your audience, close this tab NOW.

Alright. You're still here.

I'm not saying growth is bad, or that it doesn't help...


But only if you've got something to monetise with....

And here's what they don't want you to know:

Most gurus will tell you you need to grow first, and monetise later. It looks like this, building an audience and (if you’re lucky) making something a few of them (might) buy at some point later...

This almost never works.



You need to learn it.
You need to practice it.
And your first time is going to be BAD.

So here's a question for you:

Would you rather that first, horrible offer, be at 100 followers

Or 100,000 followers?

Yeah, thought so.

You can get away with a few bad runs on the board when you're starting out.

And if it's REALLY bad, your sales volume will be so low that you'll be able to make it up to those customers 1:1.

But at 100k?

Disaster. Potentially creator-ending disaster.

So now we're onboard with monetising as early as possible, here's what we're going to do:

Instead of that, we’re going to monetise from Day 1. We’re going to get you from A to B (where B is Your Ne𝕏t $10k).


We’re going to solve the 3 biggest problems stopping creators from monetising on X:
- Low Offer Confidence
- Poor Lead Flow, and
- Awkward Sales.

First, let’s get you confident in your offer.

Because you’re either unsure whether people will actually want what you’ve got, or that what you’ve got will actually get the results you say it will.

We’ll start with building a simple offer you’re confident in, which makes it easy for you to sell, because it’s exactly what people want.

And - it gets results.

Let’s make sure you’re clear on what your perfect future customer or client wants, where they are now and the process you’re going to walk them through to get there.

Even though you can help people with a lot of things, you’ll get faster results (and you’ll be more certain that you can get those results) by focusing on one specific result; getting someone from A, to B.

Next, we’ll design and package up your deliverables... so you’ve got a clear path to getting your clients a result and can confidently market and sell it knowing your clients will win.

We’ll make it a no-brainer for your prospects, and super easy for you to deliver.

So that’s the first 3 steps:
Step 1: design your A → B offer (A → B)
Step 2: package up your deliverables (🎁)
Step 3: turn your offer into content that attracts leads (🧲)

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The result?

You’ll be 100% confident in your ability to deliver real-world results for your clients, without burning yourself out. This confidence boost will make marketing and sales a night-and-day difference for you.

When you know what you’ve got is good, it’s a breeze to sell because you’re confident you can deliver, and they’re confident you can get results.

The second problem we’ll solve together is a lack of leads.

If you think of leads flowing into your world like the flow of a river, most creators have a tiny trickle of water (every now and then), or a completely dried up river bed with no new leads in days.

Instead of that, we’re going to make it rain, and get a flow of new hungry leads daily. Daily is important. 

First, I’ll show you how to build a systemised funnel on X that gets new people into your world every day, putting their hands up and asking for more of what you’ve got.

I’ll give you a content strategy I’ve been using to turn strangers into followers, followers into engagement, and engagement into leads. The same one that got you here, reading this!

As you grow, your inbound leads will become more and more reliable. But when you’re starting out, you need to force people into your funnel, like driving traffic to a landing page. 

So we’re going to run a simple process for reaching out to at least 25 new people every day, and connect you with your perfect future clients. 

Reach out? Is this some sort of cold calling/spamming strategy…

NO! (I HATE reaching out to people cold with spammy sales pitches. It’s lazy, ineffective and as you’ll discover completely unnecessary!)

Steps 4 and 5 are filling your funnel with warm outreach, done the right way.  In a way the stokes the algorithm so it not only fills your funnel with leads, it helps grow your audience while you monetise.

Step 6 is adding some automation to the outreach process to help you grow even faster (if you want to). 

The automation (done right), has no risk of getting you banned. But it’s not a necessity if you don’t want to do it.

We’re going to automate the time-consuming part - finding people to DM and the first message (with unique personalisation etc) - not automate the conversations.

Most importantly, I’ll show you how to do all this so you can turn a small group of prospects into an ever-growing audience hungry for what you have.

So that’s the next 3 steps.

Step 4: build a content funnel that turns your audience into hungry leads, daily (🙋🏽‍♂️)
Step 5: fill your funnel with warm leads by strategically and casually reaching out to perfect future clients (📩)
Step 6: add scale to your growth with some automated outreach (⚡️)

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What I love about this process is instead of you cold messaging some person who doesn't know you and getting rejected again and again, and again, and again, we invite. 

In fact, the whole process is based on permission and invitation.

We invite them to take steps toward us. Then they're going to raise their hand and say, “Hey,I sort of might be a little bit interested in that topic." 

Now we're talking to people who are interested in our stuff (either in the DMs or in email). 

It’s time to find out if they want to buy your offer.  

So let's talk about moving the sales piece from awkward to effortless.

When somebody's raised their hand, we're going to have a really simple, natural conversation. We’re going to discover whether they have a problem you can solve, and then if they’d like some help solving it.

That’s literally it. Simple right?

The way most people teach sales (especially on X) is gross.

We're not trying to convince people to want our stuff. We’re sorting people and finding the ones that are open to you helping them. And they’re going to be open to it because we’re talking like a normal human, rather than a desperate used car salesman.

Our job is really simple: find people with a problem we can solve, and then ask them if they’d like some help and invite them to do the next step.

The next step is then making the offer. It's a simple Google doc, which explains your plan for helping them get from where they are to where they want to go.

It explains the promise. It explains their problems. It explains your model. It explains the outcome. It explains the logistics, all of the steps of your offer, including the price.

They just read this and they'll say, "I'm in," or, "I'm not in." Either way is completely fine.

It’s like offering a door - we’re going to ask people if they want to come in, or not.

The Google doc is going to do all of the heavy sales lifting here. You don't have to have a sales conversation ever again (if you don’t want to)!

SPOILER ALERT! You’re going to get ALL the scripts to do this so you can start selling right away. AND - if you prefer to speak with prospects on a call, that’s cool too - I’m going to show you how to tweak the scripts slightly so that you can suggest a quick call, rather than a Google Doc.

Finally, we're going to do two things. We're going to get people into your system and ready to get results quickly, and get the money. I’ll show you my quick onboarding process, how I collect the cash, and how I set up / deal with payment processors. All the basics, but stuff you need to get right.

So that’s it, the last steps are:

Step 7: DM flow for natural, casual conversations that find people you can help (💬)
Step 8: A simple and easy way to suggest your offer and invite people to work with you (🚪)
Step 9: Next steps to effortlessly get people to pay you, and get them started on an epic first experience with you (👣)

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This is the system I've been perfecting for the last couple of years getting clients to 10 grand a month, every month.

For some people it takes 30 days, or 60 days, or 90 days, or sometimes longer.

And that’s fine. Everyone is different.

But remember: monetisation is a skill. It’s something you do, and learn, and get better at over time.

This is the plan to get you doing it, faster.

So that’s the plan. If you’re cool with this, or interested in how it works, read on and let’s talk about how we’re going to get you monetising.

First, you’re going to get a 9-Module video training series that’s going to focus on each step I outlined above.

When you sign up, the first thing we’re going to do is work out exactly which part of the training is going to be most useful for you first, and then show you how to go and get started on that right away.

Then you can do the rest in whatever order makes sense for you. You’ll have full, unlimited, lifetime access to all the video training (and all the updates).

There’s FAQs, Case Studies, Deep Dives etc in every module, so that you can see all the ways people are implementing, and / or ask your own specific question or use case and I’ll answer it personally so we can make sure the system is specifically implementable for YOU.

Then - you’ll have unrestricted access to me (and other students) via Slack. This is where I’m most active and can easily be reached 1:1 at any time (time zones permitting).

I’m usually able to get back to people within a few hours.

This is where we can talk about everything together and brainstorm a specific application to your business...so you can put it into action, and report back on your results, and keep tweaking it as needed.

This is a private Slack group, and I don’t have a VA or any other team members in there - it’s just me. You’ll get direct access to me during the working week helping you with questions.

We can work as closely together as you’d like, or you can just take the stuff and run with it on your own. Either way I’m fine, whatever is going to get you the best results.

Now, because of the nature of the Slack group and access to me, I try to limit the number of people I bring in. So there are limited spots - and I’ll let you know if there aren’t any left.

You can get started right now with this for $179USD.

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Alright, talk soon and I'll see you in the Slack group!


P.S. Any time you invest time and money into something like this, there’s a risk. Right? What if it doesn’t work? What if it’s not as good as they said? What if James is a beardy, Aussie liar?

So let’s look at the best and worst case scenarios:

Best Case: You design and build an offer that sells like hotcakes. You get leads. You sign clients. You add $10k. And then you add $10k a month in recurring revenue. You get new skills, a ton of confidence, and the systems you learn and install mean you can keep growing every month.

That’s the best case.

But what about the worst case?

Worst Case: Maybe it doesn’t work. Maybe you’re a week in, and you decide it’s not for you. Or the content isn’t quite right, or maybe you jumped too soon, or you decide our Australian accent gets annoying…

In which case, anytime in the first 7 days just let me know, and I’ll refund you 100% of what you’ve paid. No questions asked.

You get to keep what you learnt, and all the materials we’ve covered. You’ll be smarter, and still have the skill sets... But you won’t have to pay for it at all.

So that way there’s no risk to give it a go and get started, is there?

So, where do you think we should go from here?

If you’d like to get started, and get monetising as quickly as you can, click the button....

Get instant access for $179

And I’ll get you all set up in Slack.

Are you up for that - you IN?

Still wondering whether this is right for you?


  1. Monetise While You Grow: Your Ne𝕏t $10k (video training course)
  2. Access to me personally (& community of creators) via Slack
  3. Once you hit $10k, 1:1 coaching call to get you to $30k (if you want it)
  4. (BONUS 1) 100x Leads via DM (2hr AI Dm Assistant mini-course)
  5. (BONUS 2) Elite Ghostwriting (digital course)

BONUS #1: 100 𝕏 Leads (mini course)


The fastest way to monetise a new account + getting started with leads (every day).

We're going to:

- optimise your profile for new leads

- automate 100's of casual, personalised, perfectly targeted DMs that bring you 20 - 50 qualified leads / day

- combined with the perfect organic outreach strategy (HINT: it’s not posting ‘value’ 100 times/day on other people’s posts)

- build networks & sell your front-end offer

- WHILE you build your brand


You CAN (and should) monetise from Day 1. Most creators just don't know how.


BONUS #2: Elite Ghostwriter


Use the "ELITE GHOSTWRITER" playbook:

- I've been ghostwriting behind the scenes for large accounts (ones you probably follow) for 4+ years

- This is the EXACT playbook I use with all my 1:1 clients

- There are 3 TYPES of content ALL the big accounts use. This is a DETAILED breakdown of exactly WHAT and HOW to make each one.

- We're going to make content sells what you DO, and builds your personal brand

- WHILE you monetise your front-end offer

That's it.

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Here's the thing...



Most creators make the BIG mistake of copying what the big accounts are doing NOW.

Without realising that's not what they did to get started. They ALL sold something SPECIFIC (narrow niche, narrow ICP) to begin with, WHILE THEY BUILT THEIR BRAND.

For example:

Dan Koe started with a web design offer.

Justin Welsh started with an offer for a VERY specific Ideal Customer Profile (very narrow niche - but it was something he had 10+ years of experience in too)

The reality is:

  • You need a source of income from Day 1 (you can + should change it later) because monetising a personal brand takes TIME.
  • If you don't have income early on, you won't stick at the brand building long enough to get reliable inbound business from your personal brand
  • You can do this with a specific, narrow-niche offer (like Dan Koe & Justin Welsh - the faster way), or you can build your brand on the side while you work a job (slow way)



"How do I get people to want what I've got?"

"How do I get more people to consume my content, AND want more of my stuff?"

"How do I get people to pay for my stuff, without awkward sales conversations that go nowhere?"

This IS HOW:

STEP #1: Post 3 Types of content DAILY (I'll show you WHAT to post + HOW to create it)

STEP #2: Engineer Demand by DM-ing 100s of your Ideal Customer every day - who then look at your Pinned Post + Recent content

STEP #3: They reply to your DM + you offer them exactly what they want.

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This is how we're going to BUILD YOUR PERSONAL BRAND:

Maybe you're not sure what you've got is good...

(or that people even want it)

Maybe you post a lot...

(and nothing happens)

Maybe sales feels super awkward...

(and your DMs get ghosted)


Here's how:

I'm going to give you the strategies the best creator-businesses are already using and doing in their content
(I know, because I work with them)

The stuff you probably don't know that you don't know.

But here's what you DO KNOW:

The future of work is changing. 


The Digital Economy is calling you.

You already have the ideas.

What you do.
What you know.
What you have to say.

But to play, you need to monetise it.

And there are a ton of amazing creators out there…

That make great content..

But not great money.


Instead, we’re going to:

Make monetisable content.
So people want to buy what you’ve got.
Without you having to ‘sell’ it.

Even if no one knows who you are (yet).

We’re going to fix that. 

Create confidently; and work less.
Engineer demand; and earn more.
Monetise effortlessly; and enjoy life

No ads.
No spamming.
No trying to go viral.
No awkward sales conversations.

In fact, we don’t want to have to do any ‘selling’ at all.

We’re going to make the content you WANT to make

In a way that gets people to WANT what you’ve got.

We’re going to make content that sells your stuff.

(so you don’t have to)

So let's get started:

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Get started here:

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I will show you how to make content that:

Step #1: Teaches People to Want Your Stuff

Step #2: Engineers Demand So More People Want It

Step #3: Builds a Monetisable Ecosystem That Sells For You

The ELITE GHOSTWRITER course is a Digital Playbook (in Notion).

For people who want to make content that sells their products & services.

Without having to do any traditional 'selling.'

I'm a game designer...

These are the same techniques game studios use to make video games ADDICTIVE...

I'm going to show you EXACTLY HOW TO USE THEM (step-by-step), in your content, to get people to WANT whatever it is you're selling.


"How do I get people to want what I've got?"

"How do I get more people to consume my content, AND want more of my stuff?"

"How do I get people to pay for my stuff, without awkward sales conversations that go nowhere?"

So - if you want to:

Make more monetisable content (from Day 1)

So you can get more leads from your content (every day)

And sell your stuff (without having to 'sell' it)

This is FOR YOU.

Get started here:

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Unlike 99% of other online courses for creators...

I'm NOT going to teach you how to grow an audience.

I don't know much about that.

And - that's the SLOW WAY to build a creator business.



💥 Instead, I'm going to show you how to do 3 things: 💥

⚠️ Instead of worrying about whether people want what you've got...

⚠️ Instead of making content that no one sees, or engages with...

⚠️ Instead of trying to 'hard sell' your stuff to people that ignore you...

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I don't know if this is you or not, but...

You probably:

Post a lot of content... and NOTHING HAPPENS;

Feel like you're trying to everything and everyone else EXCEPT YOURSELF; and

It's awkward and clunky and your content ends up being the same as everyone else's and YOU BLEND IN.

And it just doesn’t work.

Maybe it gets you some attention. But it certainly doesn’t make you any money.

There are a ton of amazing creators out there...

Making great content...

But not great money.

And we’re here to NOT be one of them.


So let’s talk about HOW WE'RE GOING TO DO IT.

Here’s the BIG IDEA:

I wanted this course to be AFFORDABLE



And I don’t mean useful in the ‘well, that’s nice to know' sense...

I mean it in the ‘let’s roll up our sleeves and start making more content that gets you more people paying you for your stuff' sense.

I know you’ve probably taken $200, or $300 or 400$ courses before - maybe even $1000 + courses - that are basically a heap of nice to know foundational and mindset stuff

But not a lot practical, get your pen and paper out, what do i do stuff

And look - mindset and productivity is great.

But this isn’t going to be that.

What this is going to be, is:

  • It’s going to be no frills
  • no polish
  • I put everything I know from game engineering into this Notion course
  • So that you have something that's USEFUL NOW, and in every piece of content you ever make
  • On ANY platform
  • In ANY format
  • I HAND DREW most of the demonstrations
  • So I can show you what I’m doing and we can work on stuff TOGETHER
  • I’m NOT going to just tell you a bunch of things and give you a slide deck
  • I want to work on stuff WITH you

And like I said...

I’m going to give you exactly WHAT I THINK YOU CAN TO DO - rather than stuff that’s NICE TO KNOW - so you can start MONETISING straight away.

Which to me means:


So that’s the goal - Cool?

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The 3 Big Problems Creators Face, and How To Fix Them

Problem #1:

😖 You’re not sure your stuff IS monetisable 💰💩

Do people even want your stuff…?

You’re asking:

⚠️ is it something people would actually pay for?
⚠️ is it actually a good product?
⚠️ does it work? Does it do what you say it will? like… really?
⚠️ can you deliver on your promise? Are you sure?
⚠️ how do I get people to WANT my stuff? Why mine and not someone else's?
⚠️ do you even want people to buy it? How much extra work will it create for you?

You're not CONFIDENT in the VALUE of your stuff.

⛔ And it's awkward… because everyone can tell 💀

So - you’ve got a CONFIDENCE PROBLEM

😧 Specifically, you’re not confident that your stuff is actually good

Or that people will actually want what it is that you’ve got


🩸 Lack of confidence ← BIG ISSUE.

⛔️ you don’t know how to package up your idea into something people will PAY FOR
⛔️ you’re not confident your offer is actually any good
⛔️ you don’t know that you know that you know that your thing actually gets the results you say it does

🩸 Which means you won’t market well

❌ you won’t make monetisable contentNO ONE WILL WANT YOUR STUFF
❌ not confidently demonstrating any value ← YOU WON’T SELL ANYTHING

🚧 And you’ll fall into a very common TRAP

❌ try to make your offer and content better by adding more stuff ← BIG MISTAKE
❌ offer more = people buyWRONG
❌ make a ton of content about stuff you’re not interested in ← ANOTHER MISTAKE
❌ try to go viral by jumping on social trends ← LIKE EVERYONE ELSE
❌ spend money on ads, that go nowhere and just burn your cash ← YOU’LL LOSE


💩 lots of time wasted
💩 making content no one sees or engages with
💩 and no sales


💥 Here’s what we’re going to do INSTEAD 💥


⚠️ Instead of worrying about what people want

TL;DR 🤌🏼

📌 We’re going to teach people what to want 🔮
📌 You’ll have bulletproof confidence your stuff makes people better 🔥📌 So buying your offer is a no-brainer 💰

This is what we want to do instead:

✅ make content that teaches people what to want
✅ content that gets people to want more of what you’ve got
✅ package your ideas into something valuable
✅ into an offer people will want to pay you for
✅ because you know it actually gets results
✅ makes your offer a category of one
✅ that you can deliver at scale
✅ by making and doing less
✅ with no extra time or effort
✅ using content that markets itself
✅ that creates specific demand for your stuff
✅ positions your offer as the only obvious next step
✅ without needing a huge audience
✅ without trying to go viral
✅ zero paid anything
✅ using free social media accounts
✅ with profiles optimised for getting people to stay
✅ read your bio
✅ consume your pinned content
✅ follow your account (to get more content)
✅ go to your link in bio
✅ get immediate value
✅ opt-in to your list
✅ buy your product or service.

Problem #1: CONFIDENCE

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Problem #2:

You’re working really hard on your content…

❌ Spending days making content ← NO ONE SEES 💀
✅ Instead of building a content engineNEW LEADS, DAILY 🙋🏽‍♂️

Do people even KNOW you exist online?

⚠️ spending days coming up with single content ideas?
⚠️ weeks creating pieces of content?
⚠️ do people even see your content?
⚠️ do people engage with your content?
⚠️ do people know what value you bring?
⚠️ do people in your market even know you exist?
⚠️ does anyone respond to your DMs?

You've got no DEMAND for your stuff.

🩸 Not enough people coming in to your world feels like a death by 1000 cuts...

⛔️ no one knows about you
⛔️ no one consumes your content
⛔️ no one engages, no one responds to DMs

You’re completely UNSEEN.

🚫 Not enough people in your world is a mission critical problem.

❌  spend days coming up with single content ideas ← HARD WORK 🥵
weeks making contentNO ONE SEES 💀
❌ with surface level engagement ← ZERO QUALITY LEADS 🫠

And you’ll end up selling your soul for ATTENTION

🤡 Chasing likes and followers.

❌ making content about stuff you don’t like ← BIG MISTAKE
❌ spam comment on big accounts' posts to get attention ← CRINGE
❌ use the same content templates as everyone else ← BE IGNORED
❌ sh*t-post for attention ← POINTLESS
❌ make content about 1000 different topics trying to stay relevant ← GOES NOWHERE


💩 lots of time wasted
💩 blending in, making the same content as everyone else
💩 lots of time-wasters, but no leads, no growth, no sales


💥 Here’s what we’re going to do INSTEAD 💥


⚠️ Instead of being UNSEEN, UNHEARD, where no one consumes our content, let alone engages with it, let alone wants to buy anything

✅ We’re going to ENGINEER DEMAND, and get new people coming in to our world and engaging with our content, organically, and DAILY (daily’s important)

TL;DR 🤌🏼

📌 Show people how your stuff works (so they can SEE themselves using it)
📌 You’re product is the marketing (no more struggling for ideas)
📌 Make content that gets people to want more
📌 Content is useful, rather than marketing hype
📌 People will ASK YOU for more of what you’ve got… DAILY.

This is what we want to do instead:

We’re going to make content that:

✅ gets people to want more of what you’ve got
✅ because your product is the marketing
✅ splinter your ideas into many pieces of content; ‘make once, sell twice’
✅ say 1 thing, 1000 different ways
✅ your content become assets that continue to work for you
✅ content that drives engagement into demand
✅  gets new leads, daily
✅ gets people frothing on your stuff
✅ content that connects with your perfect prospects (values & identities)
✅ separates you (what most people do, but not 'us')
✅ changes people’s beliefs
✅ shows the consequence (of not doing it your way)
✅ rallies people (against the consequence)
✅ to make a choice (to not be there)
✅ gets people asking for more
✅ that will pay a premium for implementation
✅  new customers, daily.

Problem #1: CONFIDENCE
Problem #2: NO LEADS

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Problem #3:

You're a creator, not a marketer or sales person, right?

❌ It's hard sell to people who aren't interested ← SUPER AWKWARD 🫠
✅ We want people coming to us ← ASKING YOU TO BUY 🙋🏽‍♂️

In fact, we don’t want to do any selling at all...

⚠️ but you feel awkward about asking people for money
⚠️ you don't want to spam your audience with offers; reputation matters.
⚠️ you don't want to have to convince people your thing is good.
⚠️ don't want to ask people to buy stuff they don't want.
⚠️ you don't want to do any sales-y stuff at all.

You’ve got a problem CREATING CUSTOMERS.

⛔ You’re not a sales-person...

❌ And NO ONE likes being SOLD TO.
✅ But EVERYONE LOVES buying stuff they WANT.

And most creators are just really bad at making it easy for people to buy their stuff

🩸 No customers ← NO BUSINESS.

⛔️ not enough conversations with the right people about your stuff
⛔️ conversations that go nowhere
⛔️ lots of potential customers slipping through the cracks

Which means:

❌ you’ll lack confidence ← AWKWARD (AND PEOPLE CAN TELL)
❌ you won’t know what to say ← PROSPECTS GHOST YOU
❌ you’ll end up spamming people ← PEOPLE THINK YOU’RE A SCAM

🥴 And you’ll go down the WRONG PATH…

❌ you’ll follow the common tactics of sales gurus ← BIG MISTAKE
❌ become super sales-y ← TURN-OFF
❌ cold DM a bunch of strangers ← CRICKETS
❌ maybe sell something to someone, who will probably refund later ← NOT WORTH IT
❌ end up with a ton of charge-backs on your payment processor ← HUGE RISK


💩 not talking to enough quality leads
💩 too many conversations with tyre-kickers
💩 awkward conversations that go nowhere


💥 Here’s what we’re going to do INSTEAD 💥


⚠️ Instead of having to ‘sell’ our stuff - trying to CONVINCE PEOPLE you’ve got value to offer with cringey, awkward, sliding into people’s DMs, and getting ghosted

✅ We’re going to MAKE IT EASY for people to find you, see the value in you and BUY YOUR STUFF.

TL;DR 🤌🏼

📌 We’re going to build a monetisable ecosystem ♻️
📌 That makes your stuff easy to buy 🤑
📌 With a simple process that finds people who already want to buy 🙌🏼
📌 With natural conversations that build trust fast, and qualify leads quickly 💬
📌 With zero awkward in it to create customers effortlessly 🍃

This is what we’ll do instead:

✅  monetisable ecosystem that finds buyers - quickly
✅ no cringey sales tactics
✅ no 'selling' in public
✅ only talk to people who want to talk to you about your stuff
✅ systemised process for turning new followers into super fans
✅ systemised process for creating customers, from your content
✅ that only sells to people that want to buy
✅ doesn’t try to convince people
✅ gives people what they want, when they want it
✅ effortlessly turns prospects into customers

Problem #1: CONFIDENCE
Problem #2: NO LEADS

Get started here:

Get instant access for $179


Not enough leads?
Not confident what you've got is good?
Uncomfortable about sales?


What is it, exactly?

A step-by-step breakdown of a system for creating a monetisable offer, that grows a monetisable audience, so you can build a reliable creator business.

I will give you the exact system I use myself, designed specifically for creating quality written (and video) content across various social media platforms. It attracts people who will be a good fit for your offer, by increasing demand specifically for your stuff.

I'll give you everything I use every day, week, and month to turn monetisable content into paying customers.

Who is it for?

If you make digital content for social media platforms (especially 𝕏), but don't get enough leads from your content, have too many conversations that go nowhere, or too many potential customers slip through the cracks... because you haven't got a reliable system for making the right kind of content, or for talking to the right people... then this is for you.

If you want more confidence in packaging up your ideas into things people will want, so you can charge the right price and create the right deliverables so everyone wins... then this is for you.

If you want a steady flow of the right people into your content ecosystem, every day... then this is for you.

If you want to talk to more people who already want what you've got and an effortless process for turning them into customers... then this is for you.

Why should you BUY it?

Most online creators that make great content don't make great money.

If you have important knowledge to share with the world but struggle to craft your message, or get enough people to see the value and pay you for your stuff... Then this is for you.

This course is focused on building a monetisable offer, produce high quality content (that creates demand), faster, and having natural, casual conversations that sell your stuff. It's a behind-the-scenes look at my personal system. It's intended to show you how you can use a proven system to create content frameworks for getting more customers, faster.

Why you should NOT buy it

This is not a course for making viral content, or building a huge audience, or getting likes. If you want something for that, this is probably not for you.

This course is not a 'hack' or 'trick' course. It's designed specifically for building a system to create monetisable system and help content creators with predictability and efficiency.

Why is it only $79?

I spent 100+ hours working on this & creating the best strategies and resources, SO YOU DON'T HAVE TO.

You'll get instant access to the whole system to help you monetise.

The course is designed to be specifically actionable.

It's not a book you read once and never pick up again. It's a resource with a system you can use every day, from day 1, and revisit whenever you need.

I think this course is tremendous value, and worth far in excess of what you'll pay for it. I have priced it low to increase accessibility and rate of feedback.

I don't know how long the price will stay this low...

However, you will have lifetime access to everything for the price you pay now, no matter what.

All I ask is that you leave a review.

Sound fair?

More FAQ:

What problems will this course help me overcome?

Lack of confidence. Not enough demand. Awkward sales, and not enough customers.

This is system is a proven framework for monetising.

It will give you more confidence in your content, more people seeing your stuff, and an effortless process for creating more high quality content in significantly less time..

Is this a copyrighting or sales course?

No. While this course will help you make more sales, and has some helpful writing tips, it's not intended to teach you sales or copywriting.

This system doesn't work by making you better at sales; it works because it has no awkward sales or spammy marketing tactics in it.

Which social media platforms is this for?

While the focus of this course (for the time being is 𝕏), I've used this system (or parts of it) on: Twitter/𝕏, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook. It's also a system you can use in email and newsletters.

The automation and outreach strategy is currently focused on 𝕏, but is broadly applicable.

But this is a system, not a specific tactic for a specific platform. The intention is show you how to monetise on any platform, with any algorithm.

Does this course come with email or call support?

You will have PERSONAL ACCESS to me (via Slack). This is where I'm most responsive. Note that I live in Australia - so my response times will always be time zone permitting.

However, for the most part this is self-guided and self-paced. As much as I would like to, I cannot provide 1:1 support via calls to everyone, and I also offer this higher level of access to my 1:1 clients, and therefore it's only fair that I don't offer it to those who are not 1:1 clients.

How long is this course and what format is it in?

This is a fully written video + digital course, inside a Notion page.

Everything is self-contained.

Can you provide a custom invoice?

I provide receipts via Gumroad only. Whatever format Gumroad provides you at the time of purchase is the format I offer.

Where do I start?

Click the button below. Let's do this!

Get instant access for $179

What's the worst that can happen?

Is there a risk it doesn't work? What if it's not as good as I say it is? What if I'm just lying?

Best case scenario:

You start monetising. You get leads. You get customers. You make A LOT of money, every month. You get new skills, a ton of confidence, and the systems we install mean you can just keep growing.

What about worst case?

Worst case:

Maybe it doesn’t work. Maybe you’re a week in applying it, and you decide it’s all too hard. Or the content is not quite right, or maybe you jumped too soon, or you decide that my Australian accent gets annoying...

In which case, I’ll buy it back from you at full price. You'll be smarter, and still have the skillsets...But you won't have to pay for it at all.

And, I'll throw in an extra $20, so you can buy yourself a burger and fries.

So, worst case - you get a burger and fries.

That way there's no risk to give it a go and get started, is there?

I'll see you inside.

Get instant access for $179
I want this!

You'll get instant access to my system for building a confident offer (that you can sell effortlessly), getting leads every day (while you build your personal brand), and sell with nothing more than normal, casual conversations. I'll give you everything you need to monetise while you grow. And nothing you don't. The outcome is simple: monetise, while you grow your audience.

Make your offer bulletproof.
Instead of worrying whether people want what you've got... We're going to teach people to WANT YOUR STUFF.
So people want to buy what you've got.
Instead of making content no one sees or engages with... We're going to ENGINEER DEMAND so more people want more of what you've got.
With no awkward sales conversations.
Instead of trying 'sell' your stuff... We're going to build a MONETISABLE ECOSYSTEM THAT SELLS FOR YOU... And creates customers EFFORTLESSLY.
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